Thursday, May 22, 2014

Post Project-Closet Cleanup!

So…I definitely failed on the one post a week plan…
Major work projects will do that.
Now that the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train is on it's way to officially opening (May 28th!!) I am slowly starting to get my life back.

See an article about the mine here.
You can just see me in a picture at the bottom of the page.
As a way to feel like I'm getting back on track I decided to finally clean out my closet.

For a small back story, almost a year ago I started to organize my closet in an attempt to dress faster and better.  Part of this cleanup included the use of the Stylebook app (but more on that later).

The first step to cleaning out my closet started with this post on Organized Simplicity.
I did exactly as it says-I turned all of my hangars backwards in the closet.
After almost a year, I went through and took everything out of the closet. And i mean everything!
Jaxon of course wanted to help!

Anything that was still backwards went in the reject pile (with the exclusion of special dresses).
Anything properly facing I divided into two piles:
1. Keepers
2. Worn out Keepers

Depending on the level of wear of some of my favorites, I took note on style and color and made the very difficult decision to toss.
If it was acceptable but on it's way out, I also took note to keep an eye out for similar items on sale to eventually replace.

Unfortunately, I failed to take before pictures of my closet disaster, but I do have some lovely after photos.  As an apartment dweller, I am forced to use the existing wire shelving that comes with the closet.  However, Target and the Container Store are my best friends for all my organizing needs.
I purchased the 24" shoe shelves at Target which are stackable or hang-able as I have done.  I used a wall mount coat rack from the Container Store for my belts, scarves and hats.  The flip flop hanger and the boot hanging clips are also from the Container Store.

I used two standard key hook racks to hang bras.
Big bags and totes i hang on the back of the door.
The large basket is for small bags/clutches.  The small basket is to hold any specials I need to set aside for laundry day.
As you can see my closet doubles as my laundry sorting station.

Due to limited space in my apartment, I also store my Christmas tree and seasonal decor and extra bedding and blankets in the top of the closet.
To be honest it is frightening how few clothes I now have in my closet.
I am working on maximizing my outfits by only purchasing and keeping versatile pieces.

More to come on using your closet to it's fullest potential!
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